مقارنة بين حزام الصدر وأساور الذراعين وساعة اليد الذكية، أيهما أكثر دقة

How does a heart rate monitor work? The heart rate refers to how often a person’s heart beats per hour. People use a “heart rate monitor” to measure their heart rate continuously. Two approaches are used by heart rate monitors: Electrical (electrocardiography): Electrode sensors embedded in this type of heart rate monitor detect and track […]
حل iSmarch iSmarch الذكي القابل للارتداء عبر إنترنت الأشياء

Rich experience in the smart wearable industry We start smartwatch manufacturing and engineering in 2013, the first lot company to produce smartwatch in China. We know the history of smartwatches in China and the world, and we are always leading the industry for new and accurate functions, designs, App, algorithm, solution etc… As you know, smartwatch have different […]